SFB/CRC 889: a joyful 12 years research consortium comes to an end

On the 01./02.11.2022 the final symposium of the SFB/CRC889 took place at the "Alte Mensa" in Göttingen. This CRC was a success story that was celebrated with invited talks and "wrap--up" talks of all contributing PIs.

My personal favorite was Fritjof Helmchen's talk on how elegantly the whisker system of the mouse serves as a model system to study tactile learning at brain-wide, local and subcellular levels. But also Alexander Heimel's talk on escape behavior versus novelty seeking in rodents offered fascinating insights to what superior colliculus and zona incerta can do in this respect.

At the far end, for me remains only to say "THANKS" to Tobias, his support crew. all colleagues and my PhD students, postdocs and technicians  who contributed to this success story over the years.

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