VORTRAG: Epistemic pluralism in policy advice: prospects and challenges

Die Arbeitsgruppe Kultur und Ethik der Biomedizin des Instituts für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen und das Institute of Advanced Studies for Ethics of the Sciences laden am 30. April 2024 von 16:00-17:30 Uhr zum Vortrag "Epistemic pluralism in policy advice: prospects and challenges" von Dr. Simon Lohse in den Seminarraum EGM (Humboldtallee 36) ein.

Epistemic pluralism in policy advice: prospects and challenges

Zeit: 30. April 2024, 16:00-17:30 Uhr
Ort: Seminarraum EGM (Humboldtallee 36)/online

Vortragende: Dr. Simon Lohse (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Niederlande)
Veranstalter: Institute of Advanced Studies for Ethics of the Sciences

Scientific policy advice in the face of complex real-world problems requires a maximally pluralistic knowledge base. However, integrating different types of knowledge from a variety of sources raises a series of highly challenging epistemic as well as practical problems. In this talk, I will present arguments for epistemic pluralism and propose an integrated model of pluralistic policy advice emphasizing the appropriate constitution and structure of pluralistic expert panels. Furthermore, I will argue that normative assumptions underlying expert advice should be made explicit to policymakers. The goal should not be to avoid normative biases, but rather to create transparency with respect to unavoidable value judgements and to provide policymakers with evidence-based scenarios that range over a variety of value preferences.

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