Applications for professorships
The applications must be submitted including
- Curriculum vitae/resume and short application form (1),
- Detailed presentation of the applicant’s scientific career (2),
- Research profile (3)
- List of publications (4), reprints of the 5 most important publications (optional),
- List of third-party funding (5),
- List of teaching history (6), information on supervision of early career researchers (7)
- Brief concept regarding the exercise of the UMG professorship (8) and
- Certificates and references with relevance for the position (9).
All materials must be addressed to the Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University Medical Center Göttingen and submitted in pdf-format via the online application portal until the application deadline.
Detailed information
1. Curriculum vitae/resume – Short application form
Please complete the „Short application form – Curriculum Vitae“ and upload it via the corresponding field to the database during the online application procedure.
2. Scientific qualification
Please submit detailed information on:
- Periods of academic training, academic degrees, professional qualifications (e.g., licenses to practice medicine, doctorate, medical specialization, habilitation, additional designation, additional qualifications, etc.)
- Experience in a leadership position and in management;
- If applicable in a clinical context: experience in medical and patient care (area of responsibility, special knowledge and focus areas, extent thereof, catalogue of surgical procedures if applicable)
3. Research profile
Please submit detailed information on:
- Subjects of the applicant’s former and current research focus
- National and international cooperation
- Potential for integration into extant research alliances and research projects at the University Medical Center Göttingen, the Göttingen Campus, and beyond.
4. Publication activity
Please complete the form „List of Publications“ and upload it via the corresponding field to the database during the online application procedure.
Please submit:
- Complete list of publications in chronological order (published or in press)
- Structure: original publications / reviews / book contributions / casuistry / published lectures and talks / invitations to lectures and talks
- In addition: additional information on impact factors for the year the work was published.
- In addition: the five most important publications as a pdf-file
5. Third-party funding
Please complete the form „Third party funds_Clinical trials“ and upload it via the corresponding field to the database during the online application procedure.
Please submit:
- List of third-party funding of the past 5 years with current research projects (in thousand EUR, sums that are at the disposal of the applicant)
- Information on the currently available sums of third-party funding that can be transferred to Göttingen, incl. third-party donors
For clinical professorships, please submit information on your current clinical trials of the past 5 years, if these were funded externally please also include information on the sponsor and the amount of sponsorship.
6. Teaching
Please submit detailed information on:
- Complete experience teaching,
- Courses taught (subjects and type, e.g., lectures, practical training, seminar, bedside teaching, etc.),
- Problem oriented teaching,
- Experience with innovative teaching approaches,
- Supervision of final degree theses (BSc, MSc, etc.) and doctorates parallel to formal studies (MD, DMD, DDS, Dr. med., Dr. med. dent.)
7. Early career researchers
Please submit detailed information on:
- Supervision of doctoral students (Dr. rer. nat., PhD)
- Activities in advanced training and further development
8. Brief concept regarding the exercise of the UMG professorship
Please submit a concept paper (4 pages max) including statements regarding:
- Planned research projects and potential cooperation with extant departments,
- Your concept regarding teaching and, if applicable, advanced training and further development, and, if applicable, for medical and patient care
9. Certificates and references with relevance for the position
Online Application

contact information
- telephone: +49 551 3961011
- fax: +49 551 13061011
- e-mail address: asemmelmaier(at)

contact information
- telephone: +49 551 3961010
- fax: +49 551 3913061010
- e-mail address: juliane.roeser(at)
consulting time
- Monday-Friday from 8:00 to 14:00 h