DFG Heisenberg Program
The DFG Heisenberg Program is primarily addressed to those researchers who have qualified for professorship via the Emmy Noether Program, leadership of a junior research group, DFG project staff positions, private-sector research or mid-level faculty positions. The target group also includes junior professors who have received positive evaluations, those who have achieved their habilitation or an equivalent qualification, and German researchers returning from abroad, as well as appropriately qualified foreign researchers looking to pursue careers in Germany.
Four types of funding are available within the Heisenberg Program:
- Heisenberg position
- Heisenberg temporary substitute position for clinicians
- Heisenberg professorship
- Heisenberg fellowship
Once you have been accepted to the Heisenberg Program, you can choose between the four funding types or combine them during the five-year funding period.

Scientists of University Medical Center Göttingen within the Heisenberg Program
- Dr. Anita Krisko, Department of Experimental Neurodegenration (Heisenberg position)
- Prof. Dr. Francesca Odoardi, Institute for Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis Research (Heisenberg professorship)
- PD Dr. Ramona Schulz-Heddergott, Institut für Molekulare Onkologie (Heisenberg position)
- Prof. Dr. Nicola Strenzke, Department of Otorhinolaryngology (Heisenberg professorship)
- Prof. Dr. Karl Toischer, Klinik für Kardiologie und Pneumologie (Heisenberg professorship)
Earlier Scientists of University Medical Center Göttingen within the Heisenberg Program
- Prof. Dr. Michael Sereda, Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
- Prof. Dr. Holger Bastians, Department of Molecular Oncology