Junior Research Groups at the University Medical Center Göttingen

A researcher looks at data.

By establishing junior research groups, outstanding young scientists are given the opportunity to independently conduct their own research projects and to establish a research group. The leadership of a junior research group supports the scientists in their early qualification for leading research positions.

At the University Medical Center Göttingen, junior research groups are characterized by a separate, well -defined funding of a research program which the junior research group leaders have usually received in a competitive procedure involving external evaluation.

The following junior research groups are currently being funded at the University Medical Center Göttingen:

Carter, Brett: Synaptic Physiology and Plasticity

Project: NovelNMDA - Novel NMDA receptor signaling in cortical synaptic depression
Duration: 02/2019-01/2025
Grant: EU, ERC Starting Grant
Department: European Neuroscience Institute (ENI)
Links: Website ENI - Synaptic Physiology and Plasticity

Clemens, Jan: Neural Computation and Behavior

Project: Neuronale Grundlagen der akustischen Kommunikation in Drosophila
Duration: 10/2017–03/2024
Grant: DFG, Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe
Department: European Neuroscience Institute (ENI)

Project: NeuSoSen - Neural Computations Underlying Social Behavior in Complex Sensory Environments
Duration: 02/2020-01/2025
Grant: EU, ERC Starting Grant
Department: European Neuroscience Institute (ENI)

Links: Website ENI - Neural Computation and Behavior

Koch, Raphael: Entwicklung neuer Therapiestrategien für periphere T-Zell Lymphome

Duration: 12/2019–12/2024
Grant: Deutsche Krebshilfe, Max-Eder-Nachwuchsgruppe
Department: Klinik für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie
Links: Website AG Koch

Richter-Dennerlein, Ricarda: Assemblierung des mitochondrialen Ribosoms in Säugern

Duration: 10/2016–12/2024
Grant: DFG, Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe
Department: Institut für Zellbiochemie
Links: Website Institut für Zellbiochemie

Schwiedrzik, Caspar M.: Neural Circuits and Cognition

Project: VarPL - Specificity or generalization? Neural mechanisms for perceptual learning with variability
Duration: bewilligt: 02/2019-01/2025
Grant: EU, ERC Starting Grant
Department: European Neuroscience Institute (ENI)

Project: Feedback als Weg nach vorn: sensorische Vorhersagen in der Gesichtsverarbeitungshierarchie von Primaten
Duration: 06/2019-12/2025
Grant: DFG, Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe
Department: European Neuroscience Institute (ENI)

Links: Website ENI - Neural Circuits and Cognition

Singh, Shiv K.: Regulation und therapeutisches Targeting der Zytokin-induzierten PIastizität und Resistenz im Pankreaskarzinom

Duration: 05/2018–04/2022
Grant: Deutsche Krebshilfe Stiftung, Max-Eder-Nachwuchsgruppe
Department: Klinik für Gastroenterologie und Gastrointestinale Onkologie
Links: Website AG Singh

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